Dean 49 Frost 15 Webb 10 Fowler 9 Roemer 4 Rosenberg 4 Leland 2
Will anti-Dean folks coalesce behind one of these guys? Frost's endorsements came earlier and seem to have slowed down, as people became concerned about or lukewarm to him. His performance in NY this weekend was roundly denounced as defensive and angry. Could Webb pick up more momentum? ASDC was supposed to be friendly to Webb, but he registered less than a handful of votes. Fowler got some momentum from the Executive Committee of the ASDC's recommendation of an endorsement (and the media's excited and misleading coverage of Fowler gaining on Dean), but then the full ASDC rejected that.
According to MyDD and others, Labor is expected to make an endorsement early this week. If it's Dean, it will really be hard for someone else to emerge as an anti-Dean with any steam.